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A two story cottage with ample backyard space for a garden, owned by @frank and occupied during the summer months and holidays by him and his two children. The cottage had been a gift from his deceased wife Catriona's parents on their wedding as a place to raise the bairns. Frank hires a caretaker while he and the children are at Hogwarts, and will sometimes rent out the house during school terms for travelers.
A two story cottage with ample backyard space for a garden, owned by @frank and occupied during the summer months and holidays by him and his two children. The cottage had been a gift from his deceased wife Catriona's parents on their wedding as a place to raise the bairns. Frank hires a caretaker while he and the children are at Hogwarts, and will sometimes rent out the house during school terms for travelers.
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How bonny a place - those who have residences outside of the magical village of Hogsmeade will be located here.
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