
12 94
Mostly holds administrative parts of the school, as well as a large hall for guest lectures, a computer room, and the advanced library where most of the further education materials (including the former Restricted Section) can be found.
Mostly holds administrative parts of the school, as well as a large hall for guest lectures, a computer room, and the advanced library where most of the further education materials (including the former Restricted Section) can be found.
Theodore Marcus Flint Avatar
updated May 2, 2024 19:06:07 GMT -7
3 13
Formerly known as 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts, NEWT studies have been moved to the LIFE building. Students studying their NEWTs can take courses in any of the departments, but they complete their regular studies here. They will either graduate and enter the workforce once they complete their NEWTs, or they'll move on to more specialized studies in another department.
Formerly known as 6th and 7th year at Hogwarts, NEWT studies have been moved to the LIFE building. Students studying their NEWTs can take courses in any of the departments, but they complete their regular studies here. They will either graduate and enter the workforce once they complete their NEWTs, or they'll move on to more specialized studies in another department.
Oliver Russell Blishwick Avatar
updated Apr 29, 2024 1:50:51 GMT -7
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Holds all the classrooms for all those studying law enforcement (including but not limited to Aurors, Hit Wzards, and Magical Interpol) as well as some training rooms where they can practice their more specialized missions and practical skills. There is also the "Hall of Heroes", which is a small but very high hallway with plaques for all the people who died in the line of duty.
Holds all the classrooms for all those studying law enforcement (including but not limited to Aurors, Hit Wzards, and Magical Interpol) as well as some training rooms where they can practice their more specialized missions and practical skills. There is also the "Hall of Heroes", which is a small but very high hallway with plaques for all the people who died in the line of duty.
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3 23
Holds all the classrooms for Ancient Studies as well as some training rooms where Curse-Breaking students can practice in simulated tombs and hone their practical skills. There is also the "Wall of Wonders", a large wall with a massive magical mural displaying all the various wonders that Curse-Breakers can go to visit after graduation. (The mural was made by a group of innovative WADA students.)
Holds all the classrooms for Ancient Studies as well as some training rooms where Curse-Breaking students can practice in simulated tombs and hone their practical skills. There is also the "Wall of Wonders", a large wall with a massive magical mural displaying all the various wonders that Curse-Breakers can go to visit after graduation. (The mural was made by a group of innovative WADA students.)
rhys alexander greyback Avatar
updated Apr 30, 2024 23:22:04 GMT -7
4 32
Situated in a relatively central location in the school complex compared to the rest, the Medical Wing is both a place for students to practice and a place where students from all levels of the school can go with injuries that are more serious. While all schools have first aid supplies and some level of emergency care, anything more complicated will be sent to the Hospital Wing. This allows the trainee Healers and nurses to practice their skills and keeps various students from having to travel too far to get medical aid. There is a special elevator that is in direct connection St. Mungo's so students can be transported quickly and in a healthy manner. They have the "Passage of Prestige", where all big advancements in medical care are celebrated.
Situated in a relatively central location in the school complex compared to the rest, the Medical Wing is both a place for students to practice and a place where students from all levels of the school can go with injuries that are more serious. While all schools have first aid supplies and some level of emergency care, anything more complicated will be sent to the Hospital Wing. This allows the trainee Healers and nurses to practice their skills and keeps various students from having to travel too far to get medical aid. There is a special elevator that is in direct connection St. Mungo's so students can be transported quickly and in a healthy manner. They have the "Passage of Prestige", where all big advancements in medical care are celebrated.
mathilde manon poole Avatar
updated Apr 30, 2024 20:10:40 GMT -7
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WADA has a new home! The school still teaches various different kinds of art and have a huge stage where it regularly holds various performances for actors, singers, and musicians.

The school has expanded to include all the arts, such as fine arts, sculpture, and other crafts.

WADA's huge hall with stage also is home to the "Floor of Fame," where the school has mimicked a Walk of Fame by having enchanted stars with the names and portraits of WADA's most accomplished graduates.
WADA has a new home! The school still teaches various different kinds of art and have a huge stage where it regularly holds various performances for actors, singers, and musicians.

The school has expanded to include all the arts, such as fine arts, sculpture, and other crafts.

WADA's huge hall with stage also is home to the "Floor of Fame," where the school has mimicked a Walk of Fame by having enchanted stars with the names and portraits of WADA's most accomplished graduates.
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While some departments have their own wings, there are a number of studies students can major in and study while at L.I.F.E. For all the departments not big enough for their own wing, they are located here. The courses in these departments can be quite general, and apply to many majors, or can be highly specific and specialized for extremely niche fields. Along the corridors of the wing are newspaper clippings of students and teacher's accomplishments from the departments.
While some departments have their own wings, there are a number of studies students can major in and study while at L.I.F.E. For all the departments not big enough for their own wing, they are located here. The courses in these departments can be quite general, and apply to many majors, or can be highly specific and specialized for extremely niche fields. Along the corridors of the wing are newspaper clippings of students and teacher's accomplishments from the departments.
Hazel Rosalie Burke Avatar
updated Apr 28, 2024 10:24:12 GMT -7
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For any wizarding young adults interested in further education or who require additional training for their chosen career path, they can complete their NEWTS (6th and 7th years), career training, and more here! This can be seen as both a trade school and a university, as both forms of training can be completed here.
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