Calan Mai


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May Pole Dancing
Dance around the may pole
Dance around the may pole
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May Bush Decorating
Decorate your May Bush with hawthorne and may flowers
Decorate your May Bush with hawthorne and may flowers
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2 22
Druid Wine Tasting
Try the flavours of druid wine, with notes of elderberry and rhubarb
Try the flavours of druid wine, with notes of elderberry and rhubarb
octavian archimedes vector jr. Avatar
updated Dec 27, 2023 19:30:25 GMT -7
1 8
Each night will have a bonfire, and divination readings by firelight
Each night will have a bonfire, and divination readings by firelight
updated Jul 29, 2023 4:42:53 GMT -7
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Performance Stage
Watch expert musicians perform traditional music. Maybe you can try it yourself?
Watch expert musicians perform traditional music. Maybe you can try it yourself?
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Storytelling Workshops
Learn how to craft a druid story with elders
Learn how to craft a druid story with elders
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Druid Shrine
Make an offering and receive either a boon or a curse
Make an offering and receive either a boon or a curse
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NEW Activity Guidelines created by mod ana
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last post created May 9, 2023 6:17:32 GMT -7
by mod ana
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Calan Mai created by mod ana
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last post created May 11, 2023 4:03:15 GMT -7
by mod ana
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Someone Else's Problem (OPEN) created by emmanuelle antoinette picquery
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last post created Jun 15, 2024 10:28:37 GMT -7
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SUPERBLOOM (Richard) created by penelope raisa bainbridge
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last post created May 5, 2024 6:16:08 GMT -7
geethanjali amaryllis root Avatar
​​if i were a fish (Peggy) created by geethanjali amaryllis root
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last post created Nov 1, 2023 15:51:41 GMT -7
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The Calan Mai festival will take place in the foothills of the Cambrian Mountains in Wales. Yurts and tents will be available for the full duration for witches and wizards across the world to fully immerse themselves in this celebration, drawn from the history of Druid culture.
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